Do you really know what affects your balance?

Do you really know what affects your balance?

Your surroundings affect your balance. Troubling news reports, tension in the workplace, disconnected friendships and disruption at home are your surroundings. Regardless of the ways that you embrace living a #balancednotbusy life; people, places and things can be...
Willpower.  It will change your life.

Willpower. It will change your life.

Do you have willpower? Willpower is like a muscle, becoming stronger with regular use. Willpower allows me to hold on or let go. It is essential for my focus on the life that I desire and it affirms my ability to accomplish what I want in life. My willpower does not...
Busy is not building your resume.

Busy is not building your resume.

Are you that person that answers the simply stated, “how are you today?” with “I’m so busy with a work project that I was hand picked to work on.  I am always busy at work and that makes me productive despite the fact that I never have time for...
Mind Over Matter: Lessons From My 1st Marathon

Mind Over Matter: Lessons From My 1st Marathon

Mind Over Matter: Lessons from My 1st Marathon It’s fitting that I share the story of finishing my first marathon (yes 26.2 hilly Nashville miles) on both the day that is the one year anniversary of when I registered for the race and the day that we celebrate...
A Seat At The Table.

A Seat At The Table.

We all have to eat dinner, why not do it together? Earlier this year, Travis and I were having a casual phone conversation and discussing being intentional despite our #balancednotbusy schedules to connect with our friends that are couples. Married, engaged, dating,...
My Mamba Memory

My Mamba Memory

I know nothing about NBA basketball beyond a handful of team names, a few key players and the general process of once the ball goes in the hoop your team scored. It’s not that I don’t like basketball, I just don’t have enough interest to consider...