In a New York Minute

In a New York Minute

Follow my blog with Bloglovin I am still digesting all of the career inspo that was shared at the WICT Leadership Conference a couple of weeks ago! My 48 wonderful hours in the Big Apple were a game changer.  Time well spent at the Women In Cable Telecommunications...
The Value of Taking A Break

The Value of Taking A Break

The Value of Taking A Break ** this post originally appeared on The PhDiva Life **  When was the last time you sat down and completely turned off your brain from work? For me, it was this weekend while I binge watched 13 Reasons Why in our new bed that I can’t...
5 Tips for Working From Home

5 Tips for Working From Home

5 Tips for Working From Home! Shared by Stephanie Smith, guest blogger As a professor (ahem, PhDiva), I’m fortunate to have some structure, but also a lot of flexibility with my job. I do not have a traditional work from home job where I need to be online from...
Do you really know what affects your balance?

Do you really know what affects your balance?

Your surroundings affect your balance. Troubling news reports, tension in the workplace, disconnected friendships and disruption at home are your surroundings. Regardless of the ways that you embrace living a #balancednotbusy life; people, places and things can be...